Jira Ticketing

In this article, you will understand step by step how to easily create and manage Jira tickets from within Scytale.

Managing compliance tasks across various stakeholders and platforms can be challenging. So we've made it easier for you. 

Scytale now allows you to create and manage Jira tickets directly within the Scytale system. This feature significantly enhances task management efficiency by integrating Scytale with your Jira account.

Note: to set up Jira integration, you need to be an admin in Scytale.

Learn more 

 How to set up Jira integration

  1. In Scytale, click the avatar icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select ‘Company Settings’.
  3. Under ‘Ticketing’ you will see ‘Jira Settings’. Complete the following fields:

  4.   Once you have successfully completed these fields, two dropdowns for ‘Project’ and ‘Issue Type’ will appear. 

  5.   Select the project in Scytale where you want to create tickets (only one project can be selected).

  6.   Choose the issue type for the tickets you want to create in Jira.

Required Permissions 

When configuring it, Scytale utilizes the following permissions to create tickets in Jira.

  • write:jira-work
  • read:jira-work
  • manage:jira-webhook
  • read:jira-user

How to create an API token

  1. Go to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens 
  2. Select the ‘Create API token’ button.


3. Decide on a token label and select ‘Create’.

4. Copy the token and save it in a notepad for safekeeping.

How to create an issue in Scytale

  1. In Scytale, go to ‘Monitoring’.
  2. Select the monitor you want to create the issue for.
  3. A panel will open from the right. Under ‘Tasks’, select ‘Create Task’.

4. Customize the task details as needed (this information will be displayed in Jira).

5. Toggle on ‘Create Jira issue’. It will be toggled on by default.

6. Select ‘Add task’.

After creating the task

  • The task will now appear in Jira and Scytale under the project you selected.
  • To find the Jira ticket link, go to ‘To-Do’ and select the task. The ticket link will appear under ‘Linked Jira Issue’.

  • In Scytale, tasks that are synced with Jira will be differentiated with a blue label ‘Jira’.

Note: issues created in Scytale can be synced to Jira. However, you cannot create a task in Jira and sync it to Scytale.