🏁 Activate the Access Review

Review all users in the critical systems

First, what is a critical system?

A critical system for User Access Review (UAR) is any system that stores or processes sensitive data, or grants access to other critical systems.

Typically this is:

  • Identity Provider (Google Workspace, Azure AD etc.)
  • Cloud Provider (AWS IAM, GCP IAM etc.)
  • Source Control Tool (Github, Gitlab etc.)

Now, let's connect all systems

  1. Go to the 'Access Review' page
  2. Click on ‘Add System’
  3. Add integration or import a file

Unable to add integration?

Go to the Integrations screen to connect your tools. Then, you’ll be able to connect them to the Access Review. Scytale syncs the data daily to make sure all users are reviewed.

Need help with importing the list of users from a CSV file?

How to import users from critical systems?