In this article, you will understand step by step how to easily integrate with Kandji
- Device details
- Device list
- Device ID
- Application list
- Device Library Items
- List Blueprints
- Get Blueprint
- List Library Items
Step 1: Create an API key in Kandji
- Log in to Kandji account
- On the left menu, Click on Settings.
- Go to the Access tab.
- Go to the API section.
- Click on "Add token".
- Give the token name: e.g. scytale-integration.
- Enable your agreement that you've copy the token and click on "Next".
- Enable "I have copied the token and understand that I will not be able to see these details again":
- Click Configure to define the permissions for this API token.
- Enable the following permissions:
- Device details
- Device list
- Device ID
- Application list
- Device Library Items
- List Blueprints
- Get Blueprint
- List Library Items
- Click on "Save".
Step 2: Connect Kandji integration in Scytale
- Click on the "Integrations" menu screen to the left.
- Click on the "Connect" button under the Kandji icon.
- Subdomain -
If you sign in with “”, your subdomain is “company.
Paste the API key you generated from Kandji.
Connection Name - is used to differentiate between your connections.
- Click on "Connect".