Greenhouse - User Guide

In this article, you will understand step by step how to easily integrate with Greenhouse

Integrating with Greenhouse will allow Scytale to collect all the job descriptions of the hiring process. Job requirements are documented in the job descriptions and are an important part of the hiring process. This is one of the key criteria when testing the Control Environment trust service principle.


Automating the collection of job descriptions will streamline the audit's sampling process and provide more assurance over the accuracy and completeness of the evidence collected. By using this integration, human intervention is eliminated, which gives more assurance to the auditors that the evidence can be relied on.


How to connect Greenhouse integration?

Step 1: Generate an API key in Greenhouse

  • Log in to your company Greenhouse URL -

  • Click the setting icon in the upper right-hand corner

  • Navigate to Dev Center on the left panel

  • From the Dev Center page, click on API Credential Management

  • Click on Create New API Key

  • API type - Select Harvest

  • Partner - Leave blank

  • Description - Give your API key a name

  • Click on Manage Permissions

  • Copy the API key

  • After you click on Copy, you will be navigated automatically to the Manage Permissions page.


As part of generating the API key and for connecting the integration, you need to set up permissions in this step. Select the following permissions for each category:


  • Get: Retrieve Application

  • Get: List Applications


  • Get: Retrieve Candidate

  • Get: List Candidates


  • Get: List Application's Offers

  • Get: Retrieve Application's Current Offer

  • Get: Retrieve Offer

  • Get: List Offers


  • Get: Retrieve Job

  • Get: List Jobs

  • Get: Get the hiring team

Job Posts

  • Get: List Job Posts

  • Get: Retrieve Job Post for Job

  • Get: List Job Posts for Job

Job Stages

  • Get: Retrieve Job Stage

  • Get: List Job Stages

  • Get: List Job Stages for Job

Job Openings

  • Get: List Openings For a Job


  • Get: Retrieve Office

  • Get: List Offices

Rejection Reasons

  • Get: List Rejection Reasons

Please note: We are limiting the permissions to only those that are necessary to collect evidence for the audit.


Step 2: Log in to the Scytale web app

  • Click on the "Integrations" menu screen to the left.

  • Click on the "Connect" button under the Greenhouse icon.

  • Paste the generated API key from Greenhouse.

  • Click on Submit