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Filtering irrelevant data from automatically generated evidence

Learn how to fix flagged monitors by filtering out non-compliant data that is not relevant to an audit, for example data related to non-production environments.

Integrations replace manual evidence uploads by automatically pulling all relevant data required to prove compliance - this is a huge time saver!

However, when viewing automatically collected data you might notice some rows are marked as non-compliant even though they are not relevant to any compliance regulations. Some frequent use cases might be:

  • Test Data: Data stemming from testing or development, which may not represent actual operational state.
  • Unrelated Business Units: Information from departments or units not subject to the audit.
  • Inactive Users or Assets: Information relating to retired or inactive employees, systems, or assets.


When creating a filter you are required to add an explanation on why this certain data is not relevant for compliance regulations. Filters and their explanations are visible to your auditor. You might encounter certain fields that cannot be used for filtering, this means that such filters are not acceptable by auditors.


Setting up filters is super easy, check out this short tutorial: