Utilize Scytale to identify and assess your company's risks
How to assess the company's risks?
Complete the questionnaires and Scytale will promptly evaluate the risks within your company, providing a comprehensive result table.
Result table
Once Scytale has identified and listed the risks, it is important to carefully review each one and determine the appropriate Mitigation Plan. After that, make sure to update the Implementation Status for risks that are considered Avoided or Acceptable. Your company needs to prioritize which risks require mitigation efforts. The remaining risks will be kept on the table and managed by the company.
1. Are company risks already being managed?
You have the option to input and manage risks within the platform to keep track of them in Scytale.
2. What if some risks are not applicable to your company?
If certain risks are not relevant, simply use the Trash Bin icon located on the right side of the table to remove them. Keep in mind that deleted risks cannot be recovered.
3. Do I need to complete all questionnaires?
The Privacy section is not mandatory. Only fill it out if it pertains to your company. If you need assistance, refer to the guide for support throughout the process.
Need help? Use the guide to help you through the process.